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The shroud has no pockets

 The shroud has no pockets
Categories: Great quotes

The shroud has no pockets

When I looked around, I found that all or most people suffer from this problem. The man finds that he is completely bankrupt and that all of his money is placed in this apartment or that piece of land. No one ever enjoys what he owns, but everyone is waiting for a better opportunity, terrified and anxious. I visited a friend of mine who owns land in the same area as the city of Cairo, and I found The furniture in the house was shattered, and the carpet had holes in it. When lunchtime came, he gave me a very meager amount, and said regretfully: “Excuse me... The truth is that I do not have a penny, and we are in chronic financial distress!” I completely understand his problem. He never dares to sell the land because its price will rise. He has a vague idea of a day when he will sell it and become rich and enjoy what he has saved, but that day never comes. He has become shackled by greed and will never be free except in the grave. In other words, only the heirs will benefit from this money, who I hope will not wait for prices to rise in turn. Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, sad laughs
Categories: Great quotes
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